Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kitten news

So baby kitty is doing well. I've moved her into the itty bitty bathroom because she was having litter box issues. As soon as she was confined to a smaller space with vinyl flooring, she adapted immediately to the litter box. There have been no accidents at all, so I think she was perhaps just too nervous in the larger room to use the box properly.

Kitty also has fleas, and I don't just mean 1 or 2, but a whole flea circus. As she's not ok with me picking her up and I don't even want to contemplate giving her a bath, I've been flea combing and washing her with a cloth. Fleas are gross.

I still need a name for her. I got her into a foster program at a local shelter. For $20 they will vet check, test and treat illnesses and diseases and I'll give her a place to live and take her in for adoption days. Her first appointment is on Tuesday and I'd like her to have a name by then. Any suggestions?

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