Thursday, September 3, 2009

Camping and IBS

Oh, don't be afraid. IBS stands for Irritating Boi Syndrome and refers to T. X, T and I went camping this past weekend with a large group of kinky folks, most of whom we didn't know.

We were all excited about making new friends and perhaps playing a bit if the mood was right. I had a good time because that's how I roll, but there were plenty of hiccups along the way.

Starting off, I had gotten off work early at 2 pm and was hoping to be all packed up and ready to leave the apartment at 4 or 5 at the very latest. We had an hour drive, then an hour for settling our stuff in, and then relaxing with cold beer by a hot campfire by 8pm was my vision of bliss for the evening.

Well flush that down the tubes, cuz that shit didn't happen at all. I left T home to try to organize some stuff and she hurt her back cleaning out her car, so by the time I got home, there was plenty left to be done - mostly by me - while she whined and complained and criticized my every move. I almost flat out said to forget it, except that X was waiting for us and it wasn't fair to just bail on her.

We also had to go shopping for an air mattress. We found lots of them, but not the one that I actually wanted, which was the Coleman 4 in 1. So I opted out of air mattresses. I don't have money to toss away on an air mattress with limited uses.

Anywho, when all was said and done, I was showered, but sweaty, and we were all bundled in the car no later than 8 pm. Yup, just about the time I was planning on relaxing with a nice cold beer.

So then it rained. Hard. For most of the drive to the campsite. Upon arrival, the tent and contents were pretty wet. I tried to get a bed set up for us and stash our stuff, but truly, we had too much shit for the tent size. I can't wait til X has all her camping gear out of storage. Tiny tents with 3 people and over packing is ridiculous.

After that, it was social time and hanging with new people. There were lots of cool folks to meet and chill with. T was unfortunately in a very clingy and annoying space in her brain. Or perhaps I was just bitchy. Who knows, but the entire weekend I fluctuated pretty heavily between enjoying her company and being highly irritated. Not exactly how I expected to feel at all.

It's been like that pretty much since the campout. I didn't play at all the entire weekend. I just didn't feel like it. Feeling like a crabby old bitch isn't really conducive to playing. In addition, T got drunk on Saturday and then was hanging on me like the clingiest girlfriend on the planet. She kept trying to drag me back to the tent and was, frankly, a fucking buzz kill. I regretted bringing her along. I was not relaxing whatsoever, just being tense and grumpy most of the time. I'm still frustrated about it.

And here's the thing. I know she likes me and I do like her. I don't think she's deliberately trying to piss me off. But I feel like the only peace I get is when I isolate away from her. Like most people, my home is my sanctuary away from daily stresses and it's not like that for me anymore.

It is not that she's a bad person or that I want her out. I'm currently on the rag and that's always a bad time for me. In addition, T's presence appears to have triggered my period (or at least spotting) early, and I've been bleeding since Monday of last week. By this point, I'm probably iron deficient and I *know* I'm intensely hormonal.

Can I whine some more? Why not right? It's my blog and I can whine if I want to. I prefer to think I'm just venting, and I certainly need to or my head will falled off.

On a positive note, I made a number of lovely new friends and contacts at the camp out. I actually enjoyed the camping bit this time around, and even used the camp showers and everything. I think some ants were eating me while I slept, because I have some bites on my ankles, but all in all, it was great.

I also saw a couple of fun scenes and play. I don't think I'm much of a voyeur though. It's interesting, but I just don't find it exciting or arousing. Meh. Maybe I'm just jaded and bitchy. Yeah. That seems most likely.

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