Monday, May 24, 2010


So it's been a while! I'm not going to beat myself up for it. First, it's D's job to beat me up, and second, I've been insanely busy the past few months.

A bit of a summary to catch you up:

Still with D, still long distance, still lovin' it despite the distance.

I moved to Texas! Zomg! So the move came together splendidly despite the huge amounts of logistics involved. I had to pack up my apartment of 10 years and my business, arrange for a truck and a driver, coordinate a work crew, figure out a schedule and save up money. And I did it! It was a huge undertaking that would never have been accomplished without the help of my friends. I had about 20 people show up on moving day all told and they have my undying gratitude. I am truly blessed with people who care. *tear* I miss em!

I moved in with L - my ex (we split in late 2003) and his lovely girlfriend N. I've been here since late February and things are going well with the exception of a few hiccups. That's to be expected though. I'm looking forward to getting my $$ saved up and finding my own place. I'm sure they are too!

Living with L means I'm also living with one of my stepsons again! It's weird, but I'm just thrilled about that part. T is a great kid and just turned 18 in February. He just enlisted in the Navy a couple weeks ago and is in a Delayed Entry Program. He won't be going to boot camp until late October so he's been working on various tasks to increase his rating. Strangely enough, he can enter boot camp as an E3 if he plays his cards right. I'm super proud of him because this was a decision he made on his own volition. He came up with the idea and followed through, doing research to find the job he wanted, talking to the recruiters and L (who was in the Navy years ago) and just being totally smart about it. I know he's going to do fabulously!

Shortly after I arrived, long story short, we became the caretakers of 3 two-week-old kittens. A few weeks of bottle feeding and momma care later, they are now rambunctious, potty trained and solid food eatin' cuddle monkeys. I calculate their birthdate around April 1 so you do the math. Our original intent was to adopt them out. Uh yeah.. not gonna happen. lol

So now we have 10 cats. ah ah ah! (that's the count from Sesame Street for those of you who didn't get it). Holy Christ. It's a good thing this house is large otherwise it'd split at the seams and furballs would pour out. I can't be blamed for the sheer numbers this time though. I brought 3 - Morris, Simple and Melody (yes, I still have her) and L & N had 4 - Leo, Domino, Figaro and Sparkle Boo. I voted against taking the kittens, mostly because I knew that I wouldn't trust anyone else to raise "my babies", but now we have them. As predicted, I'm in love. :)

I have a shit load of work to get done so I'm gonna cut it off there. I am going to try to journal every now and again. I actually enjoy it. :)

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